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How To Use Subliminals

Nate Rox
August 29, 2024
 min read
Written by
Nate Rox
Published on
August 29, 2024


Welcome to the blog! First I want to thank you for clicking in. This blog will be designed to share any expansions in awareness that may benefit you (and the collective). It will be everything I’ve acquired from my own trials and tribulations, carefully distilled in this alchemical process of life.

My goal is to help grow the collective consciousness. If the collective raises its consciousness, then we become more unified and work together for the good of the whole. 

In my last blog we talked about what subconscious reprogramming is and what subliminals are. Today I’ll be clarifying how to use subliminal audio for your maximum benefit. I’ll be going over how to use subliminals, what kind of subliminals there are, choosing the right subliminal for you, how to get the most out of the subliminal, and the absolute best methods to rewire your mind for good. This will ensure that your goal to reprogram your subconscious mind succeeds and you avoid the pain of toxic cycles.

What Are Subliminals?

Subliminal audio is a specific method of creating subliminal (subconscious) messages in music with the goal of reprogramming the subconscious mind. I cover subliminals in more detail here, in case you’re interested in the science behind the subliminal. 

I’ll give a real life example to make this method more clear. 


Robert is a 30 year old male with gnawing insecurities and low self talk. He is aware of his negativity and wants to change. He knows that there are actions he can take that might help him become more confident and self loving, so he tries to change. He starts good habits, such as journaling and meditation, and is consistent for a week before he loses momentum and stops. He does this for months. He starts something new and stops. He then feels worse, tries again, and stops. He keeps creating these self sabotaging cycles for himself and each time he “fails” at creating long lasting change, he grows more self-critical and ashamed. This only fuels his combative self talk. 

Robert is desperate for change but he keeps sabotaging himself. Thankfully, Robert reads Psycho-Cybernetics and learns about subconscious reprogramming. He understands that his subconscious mind is the driver of his habitual thinking and beliefs, therefore he must change the subconscious patterns in his mind. His most important goal is to change his insecure, belittling thoughts to powerful, abundance driven thoughts. He gives himself an easy, obtainable goal and journals once a day, one sentence, one positive thought about himself. He also finds online that people use subliminals as an easy way to supplement their self development habits. He finds hundreds of kinds of subliminals ranging from weight loss to wealth. He settles for a confidence subliminal since he feels he lacks confidence the most. Robert adds that to his night routine, he plays the subliminal track 15 minutes before bed and also listens while he sleeps. It is exactly like listening to ocean sounds or calming meditation music to help with sleep. The difference is underneath the music or ocean sounds are subliminal affirmations that can only be heard subconsciously. He knows he is getting these affirmations of confidence before he sleeps and as he sleeps. He does this every day for a month, along with the other good habits that will help him become more confident. 

Although it takes time and effort he finds it becomes easier to stick with the good habits. And even if he falls off the wagon for a day or two, he bounces back a lot easier. He finds himself accepting any “failure” and simply gets back again and continues his good routines. His subconscious begins to work for him, not against him. His mind starts to automatically think of positive thoughts instead of negative ones. When his negative ones arise, he finds it easier to let them pass by. He feels his conscious mind and his subconscious mind are finally starting to work together. He knows the road ahead isn’t a cake walk, however he now feels he can handle it even if there are difficult moments. As he creates better habits for himself he continues listening to the subliminal during his bedtime routine or when cleaning his home.

The above example is a classic demonstration of subliminal audio use in a person’s life. 

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Hi, I’m Nathan

I’m an Apprentice in Alchemy. Herbalist in training, and not just another guru.

How to Use Subliminals 

While strict rules on how to use subliminals don’t exist, let’s talk about the best and most effective way to use subliminals. The goal is to get the most out of an easy and effective method of bypassing and shifting our subconscious state. 

Since the realm of the subconscious is in the theta brainwave state, the best time to use subliminals is when we are in a theta wave state. 

EEG Brainwave Frequency Charts

Image: Brainwave Frequency Chart of Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta Waves

In the above picture we can see that theta waves are associated with the subconscious, meditation, intuition, memory, and visualization. It is the prominent brainwave used to rewire the subconscious mind and induce visualization.

Humans are in the theta wave state for short periods of time, usually when we are in a transition state between being asleep and being awake. Our brain goes into theta around 15 minutes before and after sleep, when we are in a relaxed meditative state. 

Listening to subliminals before bed means we will naturally harness the powerful transition to theta brainwaves and easily enter the subconscious. Resistance to the subliminal messages will be much lower when we listen before and after bed. 

Bedtime isn’t the only time to use subliminals. Any usage is better than no usage at all. To gain the most out of a subliminal I recommend listening every day before and after bed, since we go into theta waves naturally during this period of time.  

In summary, the best time to listen to subliminals is 15 minutes before bed, during sleep time, and 15 minutes after bed.

However, in my experience, listening throughout the day such as when at work, studying, or even working out (check out my Warrior Subliminal for a good workout, track #1 has a viking inspired track) is also potent. 

What is often overlooked in this field is that while the subliminal is working subconsciously, there is a conscious process also occurring when we are awake. The intention and the action of playing subliminal audio during our day means that we are also consciously creating the “new” rewired identity. We are focusing on our goal, we are thinking about our goal, we are habituating ourselves to think of that subconscious goal. Instead of looping back into old habits or an old identity we are reminded of the new identity we are forging. We are disrupting the pattern of the old self. 

This is exactly why I encourage at the minimum two hours of listening per day for subliminal audio. That is two hours minimum of subconscious listening and two hours of conscious processes towards our intended goals. For two hours of that day we know we are being intentional with ourselves. The five percent power of the conscious mind is being maximized as well. 

To make this as easy as possible, here is a possible template for how to use a subliminal.

  • Step 1: Identify the goal you have. Identify the subliminal you want to use that fits the goal.
  • Step 2: Create a routine you will stick to for when you will listen to the subliminal.
  • Step 3: Listen to the subliminal during this period of time. I recommend at least before or during bedtime. 
  • Step 4: Listen to the subliminal every single day, do not skip any days. Do this for a month minimum.

What Kind of Subliminal Should I Use?

The beauty of subliminals is there are endless kinds of subliminals out there. If there is a problem out there, there exists a subliminal for it. The goals vastly range from weight loss, to masculinization, the feminization, to mindset changes, to other more extreme physical changes or supernatural subliminal types. 

There are also many platforms that host subliminals. There are plenty of subliminals on YouTube from dedicated subliminal channels. There are also websites such as Gumroad that are known to host underground subliminals. Since there are so many subliminal products it's best to use subliminals from a reliable, trusted resource. 

While YouTube subliminals are free, there is no way to verify the trustworthiness of the subliminal unless the creator has proven their credibility. While I have no doubt there are many authentic subliminal creators, there are also many out there doing it for the views, the trends, the subscriptions, and the power associated with growing a social media platform. Sadly subliminal grifters or people with misaligned intentions are a real threat. Even more concerning is the possibility of subliminals with malevolent scripts. Since subliminal messaging cannot be heard, how will we know the subliminal scripts are positive? The possibility of negative affirmation scripts is a real one. 

This word of caution isn’t to deter you from using these resources but rather bring awareness to the full spectrum of the subliminal world. I have used free or YouTube subliminals myself and have had great success with these resources. However, I have always practiced caution and ensured the creator was someone I could trust. Our energy and our minds are too precious to place in the hands of shadowy figures. There’s a lot of low quality and even outright dangerous content on the internet, this blog and site serves as a secure space for subliminal seekers. 

The right kind of subliminal for you is a highly individual one. Because of the vast range of subliminal content out there it will depend on your goal. There are general subliminals and there are specific subliminals. General subliminals are a catch-all type of subliminal, such as a “Success” subliminal. Success will be different for everyone, however the main point is that it will train your mind into becoming successful. This is a general subliminal with more general affirmations. A specific subliminal looks like, “Become a Millionaire”. A millionaire is a specific number and a specific goal. 

In my experience, both can be effective, however the goal has to deeply resonate with you when it's a specific subliminal. For example, if you put on a, “Become a Millionaire” subliminal but have no desire, no drive, no connection to wanting to become a millionaire it will be ineffective. A subliminal is not a magic elixir that will suddenly transform you into a millionaire, especially if the will isn’t there. A subliminal is a supplemental tool added to the action behind becoming a millionaire. It is a tool added to the existing conscious thoughts. It is because we want to bring in the powerful subconscious mind on board to have the mindset of a millionaire. When we have the mindset ready we will create the action that will transform our reality into that millionaire lifestyle. Subliminals help create the foundation and the belief systems to build the desired mindset, however we must also do the hard work in other areas as well. 

While there are other blogs, sites, influencers, etc., that say a subliminal will make it easy for you, that is not necessarily true. It will make it easier, but the road may still take a lot of hard work, discipline, and dedication. It’s not the sexy marketable answer especially in the age of instant gratification, but it is the truth. Those who tell you otherwise, wish to sell you an easy product. They may sell the dream to you but it doesn’t mean that dream will come true. In this space, I’ll give it to you straight. There is a science behind subliminals, there is a science behind rewiring the subconscious, but there is no magic pill. 

I also mentioned earlier there are “extreme” subliminals, such as extreme physical changes and supernatural phenomena. An example of an extreme physical change is “blue eyes” subliminal, where the goal is to have blue eyes when the user has brown eyes. An example of what isn’t an extreme physical change is “aesthetic physique” subliminal because that is working within the parameters of your physical body. Anyone can become more athletic, lose weight, gain muscle, lose water weight, get a haircut, feel more confident, etc. 

While there are studies that show the power of the placebo effect and the positive potential for subliminal audio, there are no studies I found that could prove physical or supernatural changes possible. I also personally draw the line with certain physical or supernatural subliminals. Not that I deny the realm of possibility, however my own belief systems also deny this belief. Therefore in good conscience I will not create, sell, or distribute subliminals that pass that line for me. 

I recommend sourcing subliminals from a trusted website or creator. While we have to give permission and intention for subliminals to work, we should avoid any negative influences on our subconscious mind. The subliminals I have on this site are meticulously scripted and created by me. I have this post as show of proof that I have silent affirmations inside the music. While my scripts aren’t available to the public, here is an affirmations video I created which are similar to subliminal scripts but at a much smaller scale. 

Which One Is Right For You?

First, we must identify the goal. The goal of the subliminal is to help rewire the subconscious programming. What part of your programming are you trying to change? 

If your self-talk is negative, a “confidence” subliminal could benefit you. 

If you’re having trouble tapping into your masculine drive, then a “masculine” subliminal will benefit you. Since I specialize in masculinity, I’ll get more specific here. Is there a certain part of your masculinity that troubles you?

If you are the typical “nice guy”, like the one described by Dr. Robert Glover then maybe a specific subliminal that destroys “nice guy” beliefs and installs assertive traits and beliefs will benefit you. 

The right one for you will feel right to your being. If it doesn’t vibe, don’t use it. That’s why I also have a masculine archetype quiz for those seeking healthy masculine growth. It’ll help narrow down the type of masculine energy that you would benefit from.

How To Make Subliminals Work Better

I have a few recommendations to make subliminals work better. I’ll reiterate a point I made earlier, subliminals are not miracle drugs. They require all parts of you to get on board. The subliminal is there to help the subconscious process. 

Since subliminals work on the subconscious level, doing subconscious work will be the best method to solidify your results. 

Here are two practices you can start today that will ensure your subconscious reprogramming works:

The 4 AM Hack

If you have a normal sleep schedule, 4 am is the perfect time. If your sleep schedule is abnormal, change to a time that is around the middle of your sleep.

  • Step 1: Wake up at 4 am every day. Set an alarm that is not too disrupting, choose a gentler alarm if you can. 
  • Step 2: Listen to the subliminal of choice. Visualize the life you want or the goal you desire for 15 minutes. It’s okay if you are nearly falling back asleep or not intensely focused on it. 
  • Step 3: While visualizing, focus on the feeling. This is the most important step. Focus on the feeling of your accomplishment, goal, etc,. The visuals are important but the feeling is what you are truly focusing on. Make sure your feelings are positive. If your experiences are negative, cease this practice.
  • Step 4: Go back to sleep. Repeat every day, do this for 3 weeks minimum.

15 for 15 Method

  • Step 1: Put on and listen to subliminal 15 minutes before you go to sleep. 
  • Step 2: Visualize and focus on the feeling of your desired outcome for those 15 minutes, while listening to subliminal.
  • Step 3: Upon waking, play subliminal for that 15 minute window after waking up. Visualize and focus on the feeling of your desired outcome. 

The above practices are phenomenal when reprogramming the subconscious. These can be done even without subliminals. 

There are books I recommend you read while using subliminals. 

For general reading:

  • Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz
  • The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton
  • Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza

For masculinity: 

  • King, Warrior, Magician, Lover by Robert Moore & Douglas Gillette
  • Iron John by Robert Bly
  • The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida

The above books will give you a solid understanding of identity shifting and subconscious rewiring. When doing masculine work, those masculinity books will also aid you on your journey of solidifying your masculine essence. 


Subliminals are a great way to help rewire the subconscious mind. There are ways to use subliminals that will enhance this process and avoid any negative interactions. Generally the best times to use a subliminal is when in a theta brainwave state which naturally occurs right before and right after sleep. 

Since there are countless subliminals on the internet, it is important to practice caution when listening to subliminals. Remember to find a trusted source to obtain subliminals since this is working with our precious mind. We don’t want any negative intentions in our sphere of influence! Ensure the subliminals are high quality and authentic.

Subliminals are not a magic pill, however, with the different practices above you can get the most out of a subliminal. 

This is the second part of a blog series on subconscious reprogramming and subliminals. Thank you for reading and supporting this work. To keep up to date with the latest articles and news, subscribe to this newsletter. Until next time!

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Nate Rox

I’m Nathan and I am in the holistic healing space. I specialize in sacred masculine embodiment and holistic lifestyles. I do the dirty work, ranging from shadow work to subconscious reprogramming, and share my lessons here.


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