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How to reprogram subconscious minds with subliminal audio

Nate Rox
July 17, 2024
 min read
Written by
Nate Rox
Published on
July 17, 2024


Welcome to the blog! First I want to thank you for clicking in. This blog will be designed to share any expansions in awareness that may benefit you (and the collective). It will be everything I’ve acquired from my own trials and tribulations, carefully distilled in this alchemical process of life.

The purpose here is to elevate our lives, to evolve into higher states of being. One problem often found when self actualizing is that our brain actively fights against us, instead of being there for us. We’ve all had moments in our life where we thought to ourselves, “I know what I’m doing is hurting me, but I’m still doing it!”, and feeling extremely frustrated at that. So how do we solve this conundrum of having our brain onboard our personal development? The answer can be simple thankfully, we rewire our faulty subconscious brain wiring. 

Remember the saying, “Neurons that fire together, wire together, (Donald Hebb)”? This is the same concept we are applying here in reverse. We are first breaking apart that stubborn “bad” wiring and creating new better wiring primarily via subliminal audio.

This article explores the process of subconscious reprogramming and the use of hypnosis, NLP and subliminal audio. I’ll be explaining what the subconscious is and the use of subliminals for reprogramming the faulty subconscious.

What Are Subliminals? 

Subliminals refers to messages that are delivered to the subconscious mind without conscious awareness. They are received through the subconscious mind level at frequencies that your conscious mind can't pick up. In other words, our conscious mind cannot audibly hear or see the subliminal but our subconscious does. I’m sure you have heard of subliminal messages or images, or conspiracies that hint at the idea that the government or mainstream media use subliminal messaging to influence our behavior (especially our shopping patterns). This is why subliminal advertising is banned in a variety of countries, including Britain and Australia. 

How Subliminals Work

Subliminal audio is a specific way of creating subliminal messages embedded within music in order to bypass the conscious mind into the subconscious mind. Subliminal affirmations, also called scripts, is audio that is recorded with a specific message or goal for the listener. Music is then overlaid over those recorded affirmations. The frequency of the affirmations are changed into a frequency that is not physically audible, but that is audible to the subconscious.

To give an example of what I mean by a frequency that cannot be heard audibly, think of how dogs are able to hear sounds that the human ear cannot pick up. Dogs have a larger range of frequencies they can hear than humans. Only because a human cannot hear what the dog CAN, doesn’t mean that the sound isn’t present. It’s simply that we cannot hear it.

This is the same concept I’m outlining here. The frequency of the subliminal messages can’t be heard, but they are there transmitting in a frequency our ears can’t hear. All that is heard is the music of choice while the subconscious subliminal messages are playing in silence in the background. This gives the listener a discreet way of listening to affirmations that go straight into the subconscious. The affirmations can range from weight loss, to confidence, to masculinization. The goal of the silent subliminal is to improve an area of a person’s life.

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I’m an Apprentice in Alchemy. Herbalist in training, and not just another guru.

The Science Behind Subliminals

‘So what is the concept behind a subliminal and how is a subliminal effective?’, you may be wondering.

Subliminals are one of the ways to gain access to the subconscious mind. Now, what is the subconscious mind? In every human there is a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. The conscious mind is our awareness. It is the part of our mind that filters information through the five senses, the part that is aware and thinks; it is the “logical” most evolved part of our mind. For example, the thoughts you are thinking right now is the “conscious mind”. The decisions you make in your mind come from the conscious mind.


"Five percent of our life is controlled by the creative conscious mind" -Dr. Bruce Lipton

The subconscious mind are the underlying patterns and behaviors that have become automatic due to conditioning. We are not aware of the subconscious mind, it is running in the background. For example, deeply ingrained belief systems such as, “I’m not good enough for love”, can manifest themselves In attractive toxic relationships. While we may not think those thoughts out loud, our subconscious mind holds this belief. We might know that person isn’t good for us, yet we act out behaviors that are harmful because of this subconscious belief.


According to Dr. Bruce Lipton (Author of “The Biology of Belief”), ‘Five percent of our life is controlled by the creative conscious mind. That's it. Ninety-five percent comes from programs in the subconscious mind.’


An iceberg with conscious mind above water level and subconscious mind way below water level
Subconscious Iceberg

Image: The tip of the iceberg is the conscious mind while below the iceberg is the unseen subconscious mind

In other words, the subconscious mind dominates our beliefs and behaviors. Most of us are unaware of this fact and act out outdated, self-limiting conditioning.


Dr. Bruce Lipton also states that the majority of our subconscious programs are created from the ages between zero to seven years old. During this childhood age, the developing brain operates mostly in the theta and alpha wave lengths. These are the same frequencies the brain enters under hypnosis or during deep meditation state. The theta brain wave state is one of the best states to enter the subconscious mind.

Therefore, to reprogram our subconscious we must explore how to enter our subconscious state.

The Methods to Reprogram the Subconscious mind

access the subconscious mind. Bruce Lipton has asserted there are four ways. Two which are out of our control and two that are within our control.

Not in our control:

1. Spiritual Awakening

2. Super-Learning or Energy Psychology (such as Psych-K)

In our control:

3. Hypnosis (NLP & Self-Hypnosis included)

4. Habituation

The major two methods are hypnosis and Neuro-linguistic Programming (known as NLP).

Hypnosis might sound far-fetched at first sight, however, there is significant research backing up that hypnosis is an effective tool to reprogram the mind. Scientific titan Andrew Huberman has explored the efficacy of hypnosis to alter state of minds, such as in this video with Dr. David Spiegel. The research and case studies show that clinical hypnosis has been utilized for trauma, stress, chronic pain, anxiety, and much more. Since NLP is a subcategory of hypnosis, it also falls under this category. Research also points to the effectiveness of self-hypnosis, which is hypnosis that is self induced without the need of a hypnotherapist.


In layman terms, we have the capability to create a hypnotic state within ourselves and lead ourselves in the brainwave state that is optimal for subconscious reprogramming.

This is where subliminal audio comes into play as a tool that alters our brainwave to become receptive to the subliminal messaging we desire. As noted above, significant clinical research shows that altering our state of mind can *change* the deepest part of our subconscious. It is possible to progress into the direction that we desire by changing the programming within our brains.

The research and case studies show that clinical hypnosis has been utilized for trauma, stress, chronic pain, anxiety, and much more. Since NLP is a subcategory of hypnosis, it also falls under this category. Research also points to the effectiveness of self-hypnosis, which is hypnosis that is self induced without the need of a hypnotherapist.

In laymen terms, we have the capability to create a hypnotic state within ourselves and lead ourselves in the brainwave state that is optimal for subconscious reprogramming. 

This is where subliminal audio comes into play as a tool that alters our brainwave to become receptive to the subliminal messaging we desire. As noted above, significant clinical research shows that altering our state of mind can *change* the deepest part of our subconscious. It is possible to progress into the direction that we desire by changing the programming within our brains. 

The Benefits of Using Subliminals

Subliminal audio becomes one of the easiest, most accessible tools to aid our quest to changing the faulty programming embedded within our mind. In the self-help and self-development world subliminals have become a popular, yet underground and discreet, method of self improvement.

Subliminals provide discretion and are curated to your desired needs. Many people have used them to heighten their self esteem, boost their confidence, lose weight, concentrate better, heighten their focus, enhance their masculinity, and provide a powerful identity for oneself.

Some of the most common uses are:

  • Boost confidence
  • Elevate self esteem
  • Weight loss
  • Magnify masculine power
  • Enhance feminine aura
  • Destroy limiting beliefs
  • Replace limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs
  • Strengthen focus and concentration
  • Alleviate stress and anxiety
  • Improve sexual prowess
  • Increase attraction

The above are only some examples of the variety of subliminals that exist. A few of the subliminals specially curated on this site are focused on enhancing masculinity. I have used specific techniques to create the most effective subliminal for men. The use of certain frequencies, isochronic and binaural beats, and hypnotic commands/scripts within the subliminal have been used with the utmost care to create the ultimate masculine subliminal audios. The subliminal scripts are embedded with the knowledge of deep underlying masculine archetypal energy. For those unfamiliar with archetypal energy, it is the energy that is divine in nature that exists within all of us. Every man and woman has archetypes within them. The King, Warrior, Magician, Lover subliminals specifically harness the powerful energies of the masculine within. If you’re interested in knowing more about this latent energy within every man, read this. If you want to skip the jargon and get straight to knowing what your dominant masculine energy is, take this quiz.


To summarize this blog article, subliminal audio is an effective and discreet way to “hack” into our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is behind the scenes recreating the programming of our younger years, with it being responsible for 95% of our brain power. One way we can create new programming for our subconscious is to enter into the theta brainwave state and create new programming via hypnosis, NLP, and/or subliminals. Through these methods we are able to craft a better relationship with our mind that can work for us, not against us. 

This is the first part of a blog series on subconscious reprogramming and subliminals. Thank you for reading and supporting this work. To keep up to date with the latest articles, subscribe to this newsletter. Until next time!

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Nate Rox

I’m Nathan and I am in the holistic healing space. I specialize in sacred masculine embodiment and holistic lifestyles. I do the dirty work, ranging from shadow work to subconscious reprogramming, and share my lessons here.


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